#025 – The Ultimate Guide to Luxurious Living on a Budget

Feb 12, 2024

By: Ryan Greiser, CFP®

Read Time: 3 Minutes


Ever find yourself scrolling through luxury lifestyle feeds, wondering how they do it without going broke?

It’s the moment you're eyeing a fancy dinner or a designer bag, but then you check your bank account.

If we don't figure this out, we're stuck in a cycle of want versus need, missing out on the things that make you happy.

What if there was a way to have your cake and eat it too? A method to indulge smartly, balancing luxury with your budget, achieving that high-end lifestyle without the financial hangover.

Let's dive in 


1. Smart Splurging: Quality Over Quantity

I learned this lesson while training for my first marathon. Initially, I grabbed some budget-friendly running shoes, thinking, "How different could they be?"

Big mistake.

A few weeks into my training, and I was battling blisters and sore feet. That's when I realized the true cost of skimping on quality.

I decided to invest in a high-end pair of running shoes designed for endurance and comfort. The difference was night and day. Not only did my training improve, but I also felt a deeper sense of commitment to my goals.

It was more than just a purchase; it was an investment in my health.

Action Step:

Reflect on a hobby or activity that means the world to you. Is there a piece of gear or equipment that could elevate your experience?

Take five minutes to research the best option available.

Investing in quality isn’t just about longevity; it’s about enhancing your performance and enjoyment too.


2. Experiences Over Things

When faced with the option of making an impulse purchase or take a much-needed break, my wife and I opted for the latter, choosing an overnight trip without the kids.

It turned out to be a wise decision.

The break from routine, the change of scenery, even just the quiet—it recharged us more than any gadget could. This choice highlighted a simple yet often overlooked fact: the real value lies in experiences, not in accumulating the latest tech.

It's about making memories, not collections.

Action Step:

Identify a break or an activity you've been delaying. Dedicate the next five minutes to planning it out.

It's a small but significant move towards valuing experiences over material things, offering a refreshing change of pace.


3. Automate Luxury and Guilt-Free Weekly Spending

Here's a life-changer: I automated my luxury spending.

Every week, a set amount transfers to my "fun fund," earmarked for whatever brings me joy. This system ensures I can indulge without guilt, knowing my savings and essentials are covered.

It's about giving yourself permission to enjoy life's pleasures, but within a framework that keeps your financial health in check.

Action Step:

Take five minutes to set up a weekly transfer to a savings or checking account dedicated to guilt-free luxury spending.

Decide on an amount that fits comfortably within your budget.

This small step creates a buffer between your indulgences and your financial goals, ensuring you can enjoy the best of both worlds.


4. Cultivate Exclusive Experiences at Home

Don't get me wrong, dining out with my wife is one of our favorite things to do. But sometimes, nothing beats the joy of cooking a lavish meal at home.

There's this particular dish that turns an ordinary evening into a special occasion for us: a thick tomahawk ribeye steak.

The process of preparing it, from selecting the perfect cut to mastering the cooking technique, is an adventure in itself.

The result? A gourmet experience that rivals any upscale restaurant, enjoyed in the comfort of our own home.

This ritual isn't just about the food; it's about crafting moments of luxury, without the extravagant price tag.

Action Step:

Pick a dish you've always wanted to master at home, something that feels indulgent and special.

Dedicate the next five minutes to finding a recipe and planning a night to cook it. Embrace the challenge and the pleasure of making something extraordinary from scratch.

This is how you bring the essence of luxury dining into your home, creating some memories along the way.


5. Invest in Learning and Self-Improvement

Last year, when it came down to drawing a bigger bonus or enhancing my skills, I chose to invest in myself.

I enrolled in an online course designed to elevate my content creation skills for Opulus.

This decision was transformative, not just for my professional capabilities but also for the value I could offer. The course wasn't merely educational; it was an investment in my future, equipping me with tools and insights that directly translated into better content and strategies.

This investment proved to be more rewarding than any bonus, enhancing the impact of my work and attracting new clients.

Action Step:

Consider an area in your professional life longing for growth or improvement.

Spend the next five minutes researching an online course or workshop that aligns with your goals.

Investing in your professional development is not just a financial decision; it's a commitment to your future success and fulfillment.



Embracing luxury on a budget is all about making smart, intentional choices.

It's about knowing when to save and when it's worth the splurge, focusing on experiences over things, and investing in yourself.

By following these steps, you can enjoy a rich, fulfilling life without compromising your financial future.



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